
Announcing Event: TRAFFIC !!

As most of you already know I'm Lee AKA L33s73r. I'm putting together a new event for Detroit Virtual. I would really like the support from the entire community on this event! Well now to the good part. Traffic is an event that only happens once in a great while. The event is based off the community and a series of votes.

How It works
We will select a list of the most active and die hard controllers. From the list you as the pilots / atc will vote on the selected people. Once the voting is over the top 3 controllers will be selected to provide ATC at the event. Once we have selected our ATC we will then vote on 3 airports, These airports will be the airports selected for ATC during the event. Once we have the ATC and Airports we will need to then set a date. Once we have setup a date for the event, the countdown begins.

Once Traffic is completed. We will then start a series of 2 votes. 1st vote being the top ATC. This vote will be voted by the Pilots. The second vote will be top pilot. ATC will vote for best pilot, and the pilots will vote for the best ATC. Once the results are reviewed. 20 Hours will be award to the winners.

Traffic Features
- Awesome Air Traffic Control Provided.
- Traffic from all over.
- DVTV Event Coverage
- One Pilot will be selected for a interview for DVTV.
- 20 Hours will be award to best ATC.
- 20 Hours will be award to best Pilot.


   Feature to Teamspeak


Our wonderful website developer, Mr. L33S73R, has brought another wonderful feature to DVATC. Lee worked hard all day, and coded a new feature that shows all the pilots connected to the flight server once you sign on to our main teamspeak server. Many many thanks to our wonderful developer for making another unique tool only for DVATC.

   Trip to the Mighty Niagara


On an awsome journey from D77 (Lancaster, NY) to the beautiful Niagara Falls, four pilots experienced the serenity of the GA aircraft cockpits, and the soothing roar of the falls. The flight was led by N2LYJ2 (CJ), and followed by Notmyjob777 (Carson), L33S73R (Lee), and Zakcreez (Zak). Events like these are somewhat common at certian times of the week, and the joy and fun brought by them are standard with DVATC. Thanks to all the pilots who participated, and we hope to see everyone in the session soon!

   Member Participation


Members... Its you who make up the community. Detroit Virtual is a server ever desiring to expand but that expansion requires support from its members. However, were not talking about money. Flying supports the community every day so get out in the skies and shake that dust off your wings.

   Support General Aviation


In this times of economic crisis we are met with many challenges to face. However, Cutting General Aviation shouldn't be an option. After Obama's criticism of the General Aviation and Private Jet Markets, Sales have dropped to almost all time lows. Companies have had to lay off thousands of workers making the unemployment rise. And with new proposed user fees General Aviation is under threat of ceasing to exist. Support General Aviation! Tell your local congressman or representative that General Aviation fees and punishments are wrong and most of all support General Aviation by going to!

   DVATC Going To Oshkosh?


Yes, you have read correctly! We are currently possibly planning for two of our member to go to Oshkosh to get the latest news on aviation and perhaps give some flight simmers our name out there! Tim (th720) and I are planning a possible trip to the 2009 EAA Airventure in Oshkosh, WI. If we go through with this we might host a live radio show at night to discuss some of the things we saw and give you a heads up on how aviation is doing. For those of you who are interested, Yes we are flying one of our planes there and camping for the week from Syracuse, NY. Its still in the planning phase but so far it looks like we are doing it. If you have any questions you can contact me via PM on the webpage.

   Congradulations Tim (th720)


I would like to extend a congratulations to one of our member Tim (th720) who on Monday passed his Check ride! Tim is a 52 hour pilot who is a junior in high school and plans on attending a College in Long Island for Flight. Despite having difficult winds on his check ride Tim managed to overcome it and pass with flying colors. We once again would like to congratulate him and wish him good luck on his future endeavors.

   New Map Page!


As some of you have saw, we have a all new map system courtesy of our developer Lee. It features icons to indicate the exact location of aircraft and lines of flight paths from airport to airport! Check out the New Live Map on the server live page any time of the day 24/7.

   FSX Scenery - Detroit Virtual HQ Building


In an effort to bring you the best experience in Flight Simulator as possible, DVATC proudly announces its new FSX HQ Bulding in Detroit! Our new HQ Building is now available for download in the "Downloads" section of our website, under the main page 'Server Information."



Congratulations Mike (Pilot1666) and CJ (N2LYJ2) for becoming Detroit Virtuals' Support Agents!

   New Live Help!


Detroit Virtual now offers live support to those looking to signing up and are having troubles. With our new interface you can connect to the any of the departments and get live help from a Actual human and not a computer or a FAQ interface. This helps us provide you with the best flight simulator experience possible with little to no problems! We urge anyone needing help connecting, signing up, or anything else for that matter to connect to one of our live support agents today and see what we can help you with.

   Welcome SFC!


I would like to give a warm welcome to the members from the Syracuse Flying Club to Detroit Virtual! Certainly its been fun flying with all of you in real life and I hope you enjoy your time here at DVATC. - Jim "NukeSniper" Kimmel

   An Epic Journey


Tim Lorenz
Since the release of our new site, the community has been growing and springing to life. It would seem that with the addition of Pilot Awards, our members have found renewed vigor to start friendly competitions. If you've been on the Teamspeak, you have undoubtedly heard about the competition between two of our senior members, Pilot1666 (Mike) and N2LYJ2 (CJ). They will be beginning a race to 100 hours, starting next week. The delay of the race has not impeded the flight time of both members, however. Case in point, It is with the greatest honor to bestow upon N2LYJ2 the award of Around the World!!! Being the only member of our community to accomplish this task, thus far, puts him into a category that all members should aspire to. A few days ago, CJ departed New York on his first leg to Dresden. The next day, he was making his way to Tokyo. For anyone who hasn't experienced this, I can assure you, it truly gives new meaning to "long haul". This morning, CJ was sitting on the tarmac at Tokyo Intl. ready to fly the final leg and by far, the most dangerous. His goal was JFK. After stopping en route to top off his tanks, in Anchorage, CJ Flew into US Airspace again. Being a bittersweet arrival, CJ was greeted by zero / zero conditions at JFK. Director of ATC, ViperAce307 was on hand personnaly to give CJ the vectoring for this momentous occasion. CJ was Vectored into Boston, where the weather wasn't much better. With 1 1/2 miles visibility, CJ was vectored onto the 15R ILS. Upon an instrument malfunction, he was instructed to go around. CJ however, would not be denied and flew his second approach with surgical precision. When asked about his flight CJ had only one thing to say, "It was long and tiring, but well worth it."

   Events, Events, Events


Now were in full swing and with the administrators finally being able to take a break and the community building its time for some events! As some of you have noticed we have several new events posted including the all new Friday Night Fly-In Madness, Several independent events and soon ATC madness.
Friday Night Fly-In Madness is created and hosted by me, NukeSniper, as encouragement to get as many people into the server as possible flying into one era for some good time fun. It features flights to both large and small airports along with taking requests from people for places each month.
ATC madness is something some of the older members our familiar with. It is a sort of Air Traffic Controller Olympics with competitions of ATC controllers head to head. However this doesn't mean its just for ATCs. Pilots are what make the competition happen with our own scoring criteria.
So with many events available. Get out there and fly!